

Political uses high-quality Electro-Voice speakers and Digital mixing consoles. For microphones, we utilize Shure vocal mics and the latest top-of-the-line Shure wireless microphones systems, the finest in the business. That means exceptional clarity and intelligibility. It also means no drop-outs, which can be a problem with lesser quality mics at political rallies where the airwaves quickly become crowded with signals from cell phones, police radios, Secret Service radios, etc.

We enjoy a challenge, and with EV and Midas equipment, we can solve any problem. Our EV speakers are weather resistant. The top photo shows speaker clusters on stands at Liberty Park along the Inaugural Parade route in Washington D.C. during the inauguration of George W. Bush. Over 20 of these systems not only survived, but excelled in the harsh winds and freezing rain.

The real key to our success is our staff. Our crew is experienced, dedicated, and customer focused. If you’re in politics, you know that our industry is truly different from any other. Political knows political work, and knows that a political rally is not the same as a rock concert or corporate event. Why hire a company that mostly does concerts or party planning?

Our equipment racks are specially designed for political production, thus our set-ups take half the time as a generic audio contractor. This saves you money and hassle. It also means that a single crew can do more than one event in a day in some situations. During the Bush/Cheney 2000 campaign, three crews did 12 events in 5 days. If your candidate can keep the schedule, so can we!

Another advantage we offer is a Presidential Podiums, made to look exactly like the U.S. President’s official podium. We even use the same microphone setup for the most authentic look.

The bottom photo is from the 2000 George W. Bush train tour of California and the midwest. We engineered an audio sysytem with speakers mounted on the roof of a 1920’s era railroad car, and added a custom presidential style podium to the back rail.


EV speakers hang in Liberty Park 2001 Inaugural Parade


Candidate George W. Bush addresses a rally from a 1920’s train car. Train tour co-produced by David Grossman of Political


Political crew at work: Paul mans the audio console.


One of our custom audio racks


Sennheiser 5000 series – The Industry’s finest wireless mics


Digital Hybrid

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