Drapery and Backdrops

Drapery and Backdrops

Political Productions.com is concerned with how your entire event looks, so we have all of the finishing touches. Use our presidential blue or black velour drapery to cordon off sections, provide elegant curtains behind stages, and bring a unified look to the event.

Whether you need a set of flags for a G8 Summit or a large garrison flag, we have it in stock and ready to go!

We can also provide bunting, flags, custom foam core cutouts and other political decorations. Contact us with your specifications!

Each of our decorating trucks has 240 feet of 30 foot high blue velour for those hard to fill gymnasium or airport hanger walls.

At left, our custom armor skirts surround the President’s armor, allowing it to blend into the surrounding decorations.


You may also choose to have a custom message a fixed to one of our stock of TV quality backdrops or have one custom made for your event.


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